jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

Musical Sound

Like all sound, a musical note is created by a vibration of air. Musicians control the frequency and volume of these vibrations to play tunes.

The pitch (level) of a musical note depends upon the frequency of the vibrations.

Sound frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz), which refers to the number of cycles or waves per second.

Human ears can hear sounds within a frequency range of 20 - 20,000 Hz

Middle C on a piano measures 262 Hz. A piano has a frequency range from 27.5 - 4186 Hz

The highest singing voice can reach the E above a piano top note (4350 Hz), while the lowest is 20.6 Hz

Few sounds have only one pitch. Most have a fundamental (low) pitch and higher overtones.

The frecuency at which an object naturally vibrates is called its resonant frecuency. A musical note can shatter glass if its frequency coincides with the resonant frequency of the glass.

GALLAGHER, Belinda. Science. First edition. UK: Miles Kelly, 2014. 384 p. ISBN: 9-781848-103023
Jacob Sierra Díaz

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